What Are the Latest Developments in Spine Surgery?

Spine surgery is a complex, delicate procedure that requires great skill and knowledge. As medical technology advances, so too do the techniques used in spine surgery. It's important for consumers to stay informed about the latest developments in this field in order to make educated decisions about their own treatment. So, what are some of the most recent advancements in this area?

Minimally Invasive Surgery

One of the biggest breakthroughs in recent years has been the development of minimally invasive spine surgery (MIS). In traditional open spine surgeries, large incisions are made to access the affected area and surrounding tissue. This can lead to a greater risk of infection and more intense postoperative pain and discomfort. MIS involves much smaller incisions, which can result in less scarring, shorter hospital stays, lower blood loss during surgery, and decreased risk of nerve damage or other complications.

Robotic Assistance 

Robotic assistance is also becoming increasingly popular within the field of spine surgery. By using advanced robotics and 3D imaging technology, surgeons are able to perform more precise operations than ever before. This allows them to better target specific areas while avoiding healthy tissue, leading to improved outcomes for patients with even highly complex spinal issues. Plus, robots can be programmed with pre-operative information such as patient anatomy and surgical plans so that they have access to all relevant data throughout the procedure.

Computer Navigation Technology

Another major advancement is computer navigation technology (CNT). CNT gives surgeons real-time feedback on how their instruments interact with a patient's anatomy during an operation. This helps them shorten surgical times by eliminating guesswork from delicate procedures like spinal fusion or disc replacement surgeries. By combining CNT with robotics and MIS, surgeons can perform extremely accurate operations while still minimising trauma to surrounding tissues and reducing recovery time for patients after surgery.

New Points of Access

There is a new spinal fusion technology process known as Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion. Again, this is minimally disruptive and is a surgical technique where the surgeon will access the spine from the side of the body. Typically, spinal surgery will involve access through the front or back of the body instead.

Getting More Information

As medical technology continues to evolve, so too do new techniques used during spinal surgeries. These progressions have allowed surgeons to perform more precise operations with less risk of complications or injury to surrounding tissues than ever before. If you're interested in more information about these techniques or want to discuss your case in more detail, chat with a neurologist for their advice.
